Fun & Creativity
We believe that open ended art is more important than product based art. Art should be about exploration and creativity. Therefore, there may not always be an end result to show, but you can be sure that lots of information is being absorbed in your child's brain as they expand and create. We believe that art is not a receipt. It should not be forced just so they have something to "take home" at the end of the day. We will never force your child to complete art in a certain exact way or have them "copy" an image. Their art is a their individual process and journey of exploration.
Life Skills
We believe that independence and life skills are crucial to young children and can not be taught enough. You might be surprised at what your child can accomplish on their own! From something as basic as transferring items, scooping, pouring, and cutting, to helping make their own snacks! Our Montessori lessons are especially resourceful for these skills, which is why we work on these daily!
Social Skills
We believe having mixed age groups teaches tolerance, patience, and leadership, just as they would encounter life with others out in the world. It is a great way to sharpen their social skills and learn empathy, compassion, helping others, and friendship skills. These are all practiced daily as your child learns where they fit into their school community and how they can help.
At Puddle Ducks, language is taught everywhere! Our favorite ways to teach about language is during our sensory activities! Sensory activities aren't just "messy play", but an open door to new vocabulary words, talks about textures, cause and effect, and so much more! Sensory play is a big favorite of ours here at Puddle Ducks, both indoors and outdoors! It's so important that we have at least FOUR dedicated sensory tables each filled with their own themes. (sometimes more!)
Did you know that even infants learn math? Math isn't just counting and adding, it is learned in many ways and forms. Different sizes of objects, patterns, volume, and mass, are just a small example. Your child will be learning pre-math skills during their daily lessons as a core foundation for their higher education later on. To the outsiders eye it may just look like random play, but to your child's brain, its absorbing the nessesary pre-skills needed to be successful later in life. If you are ever wondering what your child is "learning" during an activity, we would love to tell you all about it!
Outside Play
We all know that kids these days just don't spend enough time outside like the "good ole days". So at Puddle Ducks we strive to spend time outside twice a day. While we are outside you might find us making mud pies, digging with dump trucks in the rock pit, sifting in the sand tent, getting our hands dirty in the garden, washing baby dolls and race cars in sudsy water, splashing in the water table, or exploring our outdoor sensory table with some new textures. We might be hopping or rolling, or dancing through clouds of bubbles. You might even catch us playing in the rain! (If Lubbock is lucky enough to get rain that is!)
Check out our Facebook page for updates on our activities!

Here at Puddle Ducks we serve Breakfast, Lunch, and Afternoon Snack, which is included in your tuition. We follow all USDA food guidelines to make sure your child is getting nothing but the best and most nutritious meals during their stay with us. You won't find your typical frozen chicken nuggets and fish sticks here. We pride ourselves on serving your child nutritious homemade meals, full of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. (We even tend to hide veggies for those picky eaters!) Below is a sample of meals your child may be served. We of course take any food allergies very seriously. (click on image for food description, all food shown in toddler size portions)